Have You Been Accused Of Endangering A Minor?

Endangering a Minor: What to Expect

The charge of endangering a minor in the state of New Jersey brings with it some serious implications. Not only are you facing potentially harsh punishment – possibly jail time – there are consequences that could affect many aspects of your life beyond the conviction.

For example, if the child in question is your child, you face the possibility of losing your parental rights. To some, this may seem incomprehensible.

If you are facing charges of endangering a minor, we can help. We can work to reduce the charges against you and improve your chances of maintaining your relationship with your child (assuming your child was involved in the incident).

What are some acts that could result in a charge of endangering a minor?

  • Engaging in prohibited sexual acts with the child such as sexual intercourse, masturbation, sadism or anal intercourse;
  • Permitting a child to engage in sexual acts in order to be photographed or filmed;
  • Photographing of filming a child engaged in a sexual act;
  • Distributing photographs or films involving children engaging in sexual acts;
  • Possessing photographs or films of children engaging in sexual acts;

Contact us at  sam@samuelsachs.wpengine.com/criminal-defense to protect your rights.