With A Charge Of Drug Possession An NJ Criminal Lawyer Is What You Need!

If you are facing drug possession charges in NJ, it is essential for you to find an experienced criminal defense lawyer who covers all of the NJ criminal courts and who can help fight the charges against you.

Without an experienced criminal lawyer who is proficient in drug possession cases, you can face stiff punishment.


In the state of New Jersey, it is unlawful to obtain or possess a controlled substance that was obtained without a prescription. You can face the following punishments if you are found guilty of drug possession in NJ…

  • Crimes involving Schedule I, II, III, or IV drugs is a 3rd degree crime and results in a fine of up to $35,000
  • Crimes involving Schedule V drugs is a 4th degree crime and results in a fine of up to $15,0000
  • Crimes involving more than 50 grams of marijuana or five grams of hashish is a fourth degree crime and results in a fine of up to $25,000
  • Crimes involving 50 grams or less of marijuana, or five grams or less of hashish, is a disorderly persons crime
  • Involvement with controlled substances within 1,000 feet of a school bus or school property results in at least 100 hours of community service in addition to other punishments

To give yourself the best chance of avoiding these punishments, you need to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney.

The attorneys at Samuel L Sachs ESQ LLC have decades of experience. Samuel L Sachs has served as a prosecutor and former municipal court judge of East Windsor Township.

Contact us at sam@samuelsachs.wpengine.com/criminal-defense for a free consultation.