Don’t Risk Driving with Suspended License in NJ

Can you imagine your life without your driver’s license? Our ability to drive a car is just one of the privileges we take for granted. But there are circumstances that could result in a loss of your driver’s license. Before you know it, you could suddenly find yourself without a driver’s license or driving with a suspended license in NJ.

Why would you lose your driving privileges?  You are probably aware that you could lose your license if you are convicted of a DUI or DWI charge. But there are several other circumstances that could lead to driving with a suspended license in NJ:

Lack of insurance—Driver’s are required to show proof of insurance if stopped by an officer. If you don’t have insurance, or can’t provide proof of insurance, you could be facing a costly penalty and a loss of driver’s license.

Refusal to take an alcohol or drug test—If you refuse to take an alcohol or drug test at a police officer’s request, you will lose your driving privileges.

Underage drinking—If you are under the age of 21 and are arrested for drinking or driving under the influence, you will automatically lose your license.

Of course, there are additional charges or reasons that may result in the loss of driving privileges.  Regardless of the reason for a license suspension, you need to be proactive in your defense. After all, loss of a license is more than an inconvenience; it could result in a loss of your job, loss of independence, and loss of opportunity.

It’s very important to talk with an attorney about fighting traffic tickets in Toms River, NJ. It’s very dangerous to be found driving with a suspended license in NJ. You could face penalties and possible jail time. You shouldn’t take chances when fighting traffic tickets in Toms River, NJ could result in lesser charges or even outright dismissal.

At, we work focus on representing clients on traffic violations and criminal charges. When it comes to fighting traffic tickets in Toms River, NJ, we work to defend you and do everything possible to retain your driving privileges.

For more information about fighting traffic tickets in Toms River, NJ, go to: