On Thursday, Sasikala Narra and her child named Hanish were found dead by her husband as they were stabbed several times in their southern New Jersey apartment.
According to the authorities, the incident was a hate crime as the family was targeted due to their Indian heritage.
The neighbors told that the husband kept screaming, “My wife is gone, my wife is gone.”
A family friend told that the couple settled in Philadelphia suburb almost a decade ago and both were software engineers. He also told that when the husband came home, there was no one at home. “When he opened the house he couldn’t find his wife and son, and he called Hanish, his son. When he went to open the bedroom, he found those people, like dead and blood everywhere.”
Another neighbor named Michael Lewis said he doesn’t want to live there anymore. He added, “I want to get out of here.”
News Source: www.NYDailyNews.com